West Raleigh/Cary Group
2015 Coop
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Coop #11

New on the tourHive HikeHandicap accessible

Downtown Cary and Chez Poulet welcome you! My decorative and architecturally unique coop is home to 2 Ameraucanas, 1 Golden Laced Wyandotte, 1 Isa Brown, and a Buff Orpington hen. Their coop features a run, balcony, swing, and ramp to give these "city" girls room to roam and keep them from getting bored. We'll have colorful eggs on display, as well as our first bee hive -- located in our front yard, despite our downtown address -- who says you can't have bees in the City?!!

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Tour D'Coop benefits:
Urban Ministries of Wake County
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